PH Highlights Access to Public Services as Key to Migrant Co-Production
PHOTO: Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva Ambassador Evan P. Garcia spoke on the importance of providing migrants access to public services to facilitate inclusion, integration and the ability to participate in co-production within host communities during the 11th Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) on 07 December 2018.
The GFMD, co-chaired by the Governments of Germany and Morocco for 2017-2018, held its 11th Summit from 05 to 07 December 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco, with the theme “honoring International commitments to unlock the potential of all migrants for development.”
In line with Philippine leadership on migration governance, the Philippine delegation actively participated in all the sessions and side events of the GFMD, with eight out of ten speakers in the Closing Session noting the contributions of the Philippines to the global discourse in their final statements.
The next Chair of the GFMD is the Government of Ecuador. The Philippines has already committed its support to the new Chair. (Geneva PM photos)