PH Shares Contributions Under Biological Weapons Convention


Deputy Permanent Representative Maria Teresa T.  Almojuela speaks about Philippines’ work and contributions during the general debate of the Meeting of States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention 2018 on 04 December 2018. (Geneva PM photo)

GENEVA 20 December 2018 – The Philippines shared its work and contributions under the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) at the annual Meeting of States Parties (MSP) held in the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on 04 December 2018.

In the statement delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Other Organizations in Geneva Maria Teresa Almojuela, the Philippines stressed the importance of the universalization and comprehensive, coordinated implementation of the BWC as one of the major pillars of the international security architecture, underscoring the country’s unified and whole-of-government approach to counter the threat of weapons of mass destruction under the CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear) National Action Plan.

Ambassador Almojuela reported the successful outcomes of the first BWC Meeting of Experts (MX1) which she herself chaired in August of this year.

Under the Philippines’ leadership, MX1 drew rich discussions from States Parties representatives, scientific experts and international and regional organizations on leveraging international cooperation and assistance activities towards effective treaty implementation.

The statement also highlighted the recent Philippine hosting of the “Regional Workshop on Science and Technology: Developments Relevant to Biological Weapons Convention for Asia,” The European Union-funded workshop, which was co-organized by the University of the Philippines (UP) and the BWC Implementation Support Unit, drew 55 experts from across Asia to discuss the relevance of the Convention to everyday activities and research in the life sciences.

CBRN expert Dr. Irma Makalinao of the UP College of Medicine was on hand to share the outcomes of the workshop at a side event during the MSP.

The Philippines is one of the 182 States Parties to the BWC, which entered into force in 1975 and bans the development, production and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons. END


Filipino CBRN expert Dr. Irma Makalinao (second from left) shares the outcomes of the recent Philippine hosting of a regional Science and Technology Workshop at a side event during the Meeting of States Parties. (Geneva PM photo)

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