43rd Session of the Human Rights Council
L.34 Awareness-Raising on rights of PWDs, and habilitation and rehabilitation
22 June 2020
General Comment
Thank you, Madam President.
The Philippines welcomes this resolution and acknowledges the efforts of the main sponsors. Awareness-raising other human rights education and training activities involving the public and duty bearers are important components of our work in ensuring the elimination of all forms of discrimination against persons with disabilities and in addressing prevailing stereotypes and harmful stigmas based on disability.
The Philippines has enacted the Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities 14 years ahead of the global adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006. Our accession to the CRPD in 2008 further reinforced the recognition of and empowerment of persons with disabilities as rights holders.
We particularly welcome the resolution's renewed call for further enhancing international cooperation efforts and mainstreaming the perspectives and rights of persons with disabilities into national policies and programs and the work of the UN bodies.
We hope that synergistic efforts on awareness-raising will foster nurturing, caring, and sensitive communities where persons with disability can meaningfully participate in all aspects of public life.
We urge the Human Rights Council to support this resolution by adopting it by consensus.
Thank you, Madam President. END