Thank you, Mr. President,
The Philippines believes in the importance of effective preventive measures in the promotion and protection of human rights.
The Council’s prevention agenda should pay attention to addressing root causes and underlying structural challenges that give rise to abuses and violations of human rights such as underdevelopment, poverty, inequality, and other core drivers related to economic, social, and cultural rights, including right to development.
As states are the primary duty bearers, we underscore the importance of rendering technical assistance to states, upon their request and with their consent, toward strengthening their capacity to address gaps in the implementation of their human rights commitments and obligations. This understanding frames the resolution's invitation to the special procedures to continue to identify and incorporate practical approaches to prevention of human rights violations, in accordance with their mandates.
The Philippines recognizes the important role of NHRIs, human rights mechanisms,
civil society, and stakeholders, including the UN agencies on the ground, in contributing to the prevention of human rights violations.
In this regard, we wish to stress that “independence” in the work of human rights mechanisms does not mean non- accountability. The credibility of the Special Procedures rests equally on its independence and adherence of mandate holders to the highest standards of professionalism and to the principles of impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity, fairness and balance. This requires the exercise of due diligence and discretion on the assessment of information that form the basis of their recommendations.
In this regard, we have welcomed opportunities for continued discussions on strengthening the work and accountability of the Special Procedures, to support its work as a credible and effective mechanism in the promotion and protection of all human rights and the prevention agenda.
Thank you, Mr. President. END.