UN Commends PH Achievements on Disaster Risk Reduction
PHOTO: The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) commends the Philippines as champion for its disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts at the Global Platform (GP) on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 currently being held in Geneva, Switzerland.
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Executive Director Undersecretary Ricardo Jalad (left) and Special Representative of the UN-Secretary General (SRSG) for DRR Mami Mizutori (right) discussed on 15 May 2019 the significant strides that the Philippines has accomplished to advance its DRR efforts, particularly on the achievement of the targets of the Sendai Framework. SRSG Mizutori expressed UNDRR’s continued support to the Philippines for its DRR initiatives.
Established in 2006, GP2019 is the main forum at the global level for strategic advice, coordination, partnership development and the review of progress in the implementation of international instruments on disaster risk reduction. It is the world's foremost gathering of stakeholders committed to reducing disaster risk and building the resilience of communities and nations. (Philippine Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva photo)
For more information, visit www.genevapm.dfa.gov.ph or https://www.facebook.com/PHinGenevaUN/.