PH Strengthens Collaboration with Int’l Partners in Addressing Humanitarian Response

Geneva Humanitarian response 

The Philippine Delegation to the Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week 2019 (from left): Ms. Susana Quiambao of the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Department of Health Director Dr. Gloria Balboa, OCD Regional Director Minda Morante, and Marean Abarra of the Philippine Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva. (Geneva PM photo)

GENEVA 04 March 2019 — The Philippine government continued its engagement with other United Nations member states, humanitarian agencies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and stakeholders in the Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week (HNPW).

Held from 04 to 08 February 2019 in Geneva, the fifth annual dialogue continued to provide a venue for all humanitarian actors, both governments and other stakeholders, in addressing common humanitarian challenges and responses.

Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Regional Director Minda C. Morante led the Philippine delegation to the HNPW.  The delegation actively participated in various HNPW sessions, highlighting the Philippine government’s programs and achievements on humanitarian response within the country including its contributions and assistance to other countries.

The Philippine delegation likewise shared their views and insights on how to further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action on coordination, information management, training and simulation exercises, and humanitarian civil-military coordination.

Other members of the Philippine delegation include OCD Logistics Interoperability and Force Management Division and Operations Service Chief Susana Quiambao, Department of Health Health Emergency Management Bureau Director Dr. Gloria Balboa, Philippine Mission to the UN and Other International Organizations in Geneva Second Secretary Sharon Johnnette Agduma, and Attaché Marean Abarra.

HNPW is co-chaired by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The dialogue has become a unique platform for crisis preparedness and response experts to network and expand new partnerships to resolve common humanitarian challenges. END

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