PH Calls for Information Sharing on Biosecurity at Meeting of the Biological Weapons Convention
Professor Irma R. Makalinao of the University of the Philippines and Technical Expert on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear weapons (4th from right), delivered a presentation on biosecurity at a side event of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC), which was held in Geneva on 06 December 2017.
28 December 2017 GENEVA — Professor Irma R. Makalinao of the University of the Philippines and a technical expert of the Philippines on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) weapons, delivered a presentation entitled, “The Value of Technical Information Exchange to Improve Regional and Global Biosecurity,” at the sidelines of the Meeting of States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) 2017 in Geneva on December 06. The event was hosted by the John Hopkins Center for Health and Security. The aim of the activity was to enhance engagement among regional players in the hope of improving national and regional responses to biological events, whether these are natural, accidental, or intentional occurrences.
In her presentation Prof. Makalinao highlighted the importance of information sharing in biosecurity. She said that “biosecurity is a shared collective responsibility, and that there is a growing need for coordination and cooperation among government agencies and other relevant players on this aspect.” She added that there are “Philippine initiatives in promoting biosecurity in the country such as through the CBRN National Action Plan and the country’s move towards a Regulatory Framework for the National Biological Materials of Concern (NBMC) Program.”
The issue of biosecurity has become more urgent to Philippine national security given the threat of bioterrorism and/or the spread of disease through natural occurrences. This prompts the Philippines to deal with this emerging issue, including through enhanced information sharing within and among the international community. The side event was held during the Meeting of States Parties to the BWC on December 04 to 08, which resulted in an agreement on an intersessional program of work for States Parties on how to further implement the treaty prior to the 2021 Review Conference. END
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