PH Stresses Need for Partnership and Cooperation in Migration Crisis Governance 


Philippine Permanent Mission to the UN and Other International Organizations Geneva focal person on migration, Minister Enrico T. Fos (center), stressed the need for partnership and cooperation among States and relevant stakeholders in protecting migrants caught in countries experiencing crisis caused by conflict and natural disasters in a panel discussion at the sidelines of the stocktaking meeting on the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on 4-6 December 2017. The other expert panelists are from the International Organization for Migration, European Union, International Catholic Migration Commission and Mexican government. (Photo Credit: International Commission on Migration Development)


27 December 2017 GENEVA – The Philippines continued its firm advocacy on the rights and protection of all migrants at the 3 day United Nations Stocktaking Meeting for a global compact on safe, orderly and regular (GCM) held at the International Convention Center in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on December 04 to 06. Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs Sarah Lou Y. Arriola headed the Philippine delegation to the UN Stocktaking Meeting on GCM.

The United Nations Stocktaking Meeting on GCM was convened to consolidate the results of the previous thematic and regional consultations on GCM. The outcome document of the stocktaking meeting will be one of the main reference documents of the draft of the global compact on migration.

In an experts panel discussion jointly organized by the Brussels based International Center for Migration Development (ICMPD) and the Philippines and Mexico at the sidelines of the UN Stocktaking Meeting, migration experts from both the government and international civil society organizations emphasized the need for effective response to the protection needs of migrants in countries experiencing crisis due to conflict or natural disasters.

Stressing the need for partnership and cooperation in responding to the protection needs of migrants in countries in crisis due to conflict or natural disasters, Philippine Permanent Mission to the UN and Other International Organization expert on migration, Minister Enrico T. Fos pointed out that “all efforts should be taken to save lives and protect well-being and that humanitarian assistance must be prioritized and extended to migrants, regardless of migration status, in a non-discriminatory manner.”

He added: “While States, whether origin, destination or transit, have the primary responsibility to protect and uphold the well-being of all persons within their territories, including migrants, addressing the complexities of migration requires comprehensive action. This will involve a whole of government approach with multi-levels of collaboration, with and between States, and with a range of stakeholders.”

Minister Fos represented the Philippines in the experts panel discussion. END

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