PH Shares ASEAN Initiatives on Consumer Protection


Department of Trade and Industry Assistant Director, Ms. Lilian Salonga (third to the left), shares recent ASEAN initiatives on Consumer Protection at the Panel Session on Framework for Voluntary Peer Reviews in Geneva on July 03, 2017.

10 July 2017 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – The Philippines, on behalf of the Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Coordinating Committee on Consumer Protection, shared the recent ASEAN initiatives on Consumer Protection during the Panel Session on Framework for Voluntary Peer Reviews at the Second Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Consumer Protection Law and Policy of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on July 03.

Ms. Lilian Salonga, Assistant Director, Consumer Protection and Advocacy Bureau Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) of the Philippines, said “The development of a dynamic economy and a people-centred ASEAN cannot take place, without strengthening the consumer protection framework of ASEAN Member States.”

In line with the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, the ASEAN Community adopted an AEC Blueprint 2025 which provided strategic measures for the period between 2016 and 2025. These strategic measures were further elaborated under the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for Consumer Protection (ASAPCP) 2016-20125 to ensure that consumer protection legislation is in place in all ASEAN Member States, consumer access to information is enhanced, mechanisms for consumer redress and recalls are effective and running and institutional capacity are strengthened.

Ms. Salonga likewise discussed that voluntary peer review, which includes the review of existing legislation and issues relating to electronic commerce, product safety, redress, and related consumer issues such as consumer associations and sustainable consumption, amongst ASEAN Member States is an important institutional mechanism to promote the consistent implementation of the agreed ASEAN High-Level Principles.

Ms. Salonga, together with Undersecretary Teodoro C. Pascua of the Consumer Protection Group of the Department of Trade and Indusrty, serves as the Philippines’ focal points to facilitate cooperation under the revised United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Protection (UNCGP).

The Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Consumer Protection Law and Policy is a standing body established under the UNGCP that meets annually to monitor the application and implementation of the guidelines, provide a forum for consultations, produce research and studies, provide technical assistance, undertake voluntary peer reviews, and periodically update the guidelines. The Second Meeting began on Monday, 04 July and concluded on Tuesday, 05 July.

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