Agenda Item 4
14 March 2017


Mister Vice President, this right of reply is made in response to the statements delivered by the EU delegation, Czech Republic, and Canada.

Mister Vice President, my country’s relentless campaign against illegal drugs is being waged with firm adherence to the rule of law, due process and to human rights principles. It is also anchored not only on law enforcement but also on rehabilitation of drug dependents and on poverty alleviation programs aimed to uplift the economic situation of the victims, especially the youth.  This campaign has the overwhelming support of the Filipino people.

The biased approach of criticizing the campaign on the basis of unvetted statistics and remarks taken out of context undermines the enormity of the drug problem, which is of utmost importance to the Filipino people.  The Philippines, as a country that adheres to human rights principles and its obligations, finds this bias attitude unacceptable.

Mister Vice President,

We reiterate that the Philippines denounces and does not tolerate extrajudicial kilings.  Contrary to jaundiced perception, there is neither incitement to kill not shoot to kill order from the Philippine President.  Instead, the police were ordered to follow protocols and defend themselves when alleged illegal drug peddlers violently resist arrest.

My delegation emphasizes that the spike in the number of killings in the Philippines are results of legitimate police operations as well as killings carried out by vigilante elements resulting from purging within drug syndicates themselves. 

All these killings are being thoroughly and impartially investigated.  Those found to have been done outside legitimate police operations are treated as criminal acts.  The Philippine authorities are committed to bring the perpetrators to justice. 

We are dismayed with the apparent acceptance without question on the statistics cited by some NGOs, which are not based on facts on the ground.  This careless approach and disregard on the value of objectivity does not encourage constructive dialogue in the Human Rights Council.

We should be more circumspect in the Council.  We should not subscribe to rhetoric and feed on media sensationalism.  This is not healthy.  This recklessness undermines the integrity of the HRC.

Finally Mister Vice President, my delegation calls on the delegation of the European Union and other delegations to respect and give a change for the domestic processes to bear fruit.

Thank you Mister Vice President.