22 June 2020
General Comments on draft resolution
L.25/rev.1 Methods of Work of the Consultative Group of the Human Rights Council
Thank you, Madam President.
The Philippines welcomes this resolution and the active support given to the consultation process, among others, by the Asia Pacific Group Representative to the Consultative Group and the Human Rights Council President.
We recall that the recent cycle of selection and appointment process for Special Procedures mandate holders raised serious concerns among many delegations, particularly on the lack of equitable geographical representation where around half of the shortlisted and appointed candidates belong only to a particular regional group. This imbalance results in the uneven representation of different legal systems with the Special Procedures. It should be noted that this serious concern on highly uneven representation is not only to be observed in the Special Procedures system, but also in the OHCHR staffing pattern where, similarly, over half of the senior management positions are dominated by only one regional group.
We fully support the convening of open and inclusive discussions on the methods of work of the Consultative Group, as called for by this resolution. We believe that transparency and objectivity in the methods of work of the Group will build trust and hopefully help to achieve the balance, equity, and diversity in representation that we wish to see in the Special Procedures.
A broader range of perspectives for the mandate holders will only serve to enrich the Special Procedures and render it more effective and credible. It will help reduce the perception of bias that impacts on the integrity of this very important human rights mechanism.
Thank you, Madam President. END.