43rd Human Rights Council Session-High Level Segment
28 February 2020, Salle XX, Palais des Nations
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Torture
Speaking time: 1 min. 30 sec.
Thank you, Mister Vice-President.
The Philippines thanks the Special Rapporteur for his report.
The Philippines’ 2009 Anti-Torture Act defines psychological torture as referring to acts committed by a person in authority which are calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or undermine a person’s dignity and morale. Penalties are imposed on those who commit any act of mental or psychological torture. The law’s implementing rules establish and provide mechanisms for the participation of the health sector and provide standards for the provision of health including psychological services.
The Philippine Bureau of Jail Management and Penology has a Revised Policy on Mandatory Reporting of Torture Cases and the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program for Torture Victims and their Families. The Philippine National Police-Human Rights Affairs Office has likewise spearheaded seminars for police officers, paralegal officers, jail nurses, social workers and welfare development officers on torture-screening, documentation, reporting, rehabilitation, prevention, and promotion of humane treatment of persons deprived of liberty.
The Special Rapporteur referred in his report to cyber torture as an emerging area of concern, citing how it intersects with online sexual exploitation of children, cyber-bullying, cyber surveillance and the use of medical implants and neurotechnological devices. Could the Special Rapporteur cite examples of efforts to define and qualify cyber torture in national legislation? We assure the Special Rapporteur of our continued support and cooperation with the mandate.
Thank you, Mister-Vice President. END.